The HSUS is actually founded as a tax exempt 501c, if you are the person that founded a 501c when you die your children inherit it therefore in truth a 501c = "a business."
Leaders within this animal rights movement have openly stated their goal is "the abolishment of all animal agriculture industries" and from Wayne Pacelle’s mouth ”we ( I ) have no problem with the extinction of domestic animals (the various breeds of farm animals, dogs and cats) they are all creations of human selective breeding."
By what right does this "business" influence legislators, criminalize other businesses and or advocate for policies that drive up the cost of other businesses? = Can you say "Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization"?
How can this "business" influence the misguided large crowd through (in their own words) "lies, misrepresentations and anything else for the animal cause" to deprive the minority in the crowd of our constitutional rights and then have our government assault and attack American citizens (us) over chickens and continue to get away with it?
Can you imagine Shell oil Company influencing our legislators to pass laws and send government agents out making raids and potentially killing the well owners while attempting to shut down all of the small privately owned oil wells across America?
I mean the small oil well owners absolutely have the right to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness and to own and operate their oil wells and try to earn a living and feed their families.
Or the coal and oil companies combining and influencing legislators to criminalize wind turbine farms and solar electric producers?
This is the "exact" equivalent example of what is being done to the gamecock industry by this corrupt organization the HSUS.
The HSUS is a business that has made a business of attacking and criminalizing other businesses. With special attention focused on attacking America's animal agriculture industries.When the HSUS can not criminalize the business out right they sponsor policies and regulations against the businesses to drive up the cost of production until the business is forced to go under.
The HSUS is a corrupt organization working in corrupt collusion with many bought and paid for elected officials and elected legislators across the USA. And I'll say it outright in plain and simple terms, if your legislator isn't standing up and publicly speaking against this corrupt organization at every opportunity then your legislator is working with them. Our legislators must repeal every law this corrupt organization has brought about.
Wayne Pacelle's goal is going to get rural Americans killed by our Law Enforcement Officers so Wayne Pacelle can add more money to the HSUS's bank account and Wayne himself can add more to his retirement account.
Thank you,
U.S. Army ret SFC B.L. Cozad Jr
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