Cockfighting Raids Across Texas Amounts to Robbery of Rural Citizens
Police Officers across Texas are being used like Nazi Gestapo. They are making raids at chicken fights and endangering human lives to rob the rural citizens of our money and property using the excuse of defending chickens that will then be given to the left wing radicals of the humane society so they can be paid to kill the same chickens.
Law Enforcement Officers are pointing guns at rural US Citizens like me while we are simply trying to harvest our livestock, earn a living and provide for our families in rural America. At three cockfighting raids in rural Texas within the last 6 weeks there has not been any illegal drugs or illegal guns or prostitution found to exist.
The only thing that has been accomplished with these raids is the endangerment of human lives over chickens and the theft of tens of thousands of dollars of rural gamefowl owners money and property by Law Enforcement Officers that then give the gamefowl owners livestock (property) to the well funded left wing radicals of the humane society so they can get paid to kill the (livestock) chickens using the excuse that our livestock can not be harvested by any other method than it was bred and raised to be harvested by which is fighting.
Police Officers are making raids and taking our money and property by intimidation and threats of force. They are pointing guns at men, women and even children over chickens because well funded left wing radical socialist supporting animal rights extremists organizations are encouraging them to subjugate rural gamefowl owners and force us into compliance with their agenda to criminalize hunting, fishing and all animal agriculture industries in the USA.
We are just the first animal agriculture industry on their list of targets. If the precedence they have established using the gamefowl industry is allowed to stand these laws that are depriving us of our property in violation of the 5th amendment of the U.S. Constitution will be applied equally to the cattle, swine and commercial broiler chicken industries also.
Livestock is livestock and chickens are livestock, gamecock owners simply trying to harvest their gamecocks in the same method of harvest it has been harvested in for more than 3000 years are finding Law Enforcement Officers pointing loaded fully automatic weapons at their heads using the excuse of defending the livestock (chickens).
How many ways are there to harvest beef cattle? How many ways are there to harvest swine? How many ways are there to harvest fish? Each species has it's own particular method of harvest. Each species is harvested according to their particular method.
The equivalent of the law agains the gamefowl industry is to state: "It is illegal to own and possess your livestock for the purpose or with the intent to harvest your livestock."
The Law Enforcement Officers are then taking the rural gamecock owners money and property away and the cockfighters never get their money or property back. This amounts to armed robbery and theft at the hands of our government agencies. Many Law Enforcement Officers don't even realize they are being used like pawns (Nazi Gestapo) set against rural Americans in a battle for America itself.
Americans including Law Enforcment Officers must wake up, stand up and speak up now to expose these left wing socialist supporting politicians and put them out of office or all Americans involved with animal agriculture will suffer the same fate.
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