Saturday, October 1, 2011

National media starting to speak bluntly a great sign,, ESPN just did a interview with cockers in Texas,, Dianne Sawyer has contacted one TX cocker twice with interview requests

Hello all,

Nick Gillespie (the editor of and and former editor in chief of Reason magazine) when speaking with Judge Napolitano on Fox TV recently stated:  "our elected leaders are lilly livered sap suckers, whether they are red or blue isn't as telling as the YELLOW stripe down their backs". Their job is "to support and defend the Constitution" and many of them don't have the guts to do so.
God bless an American male in the national media debate, that stands up and tells the plain truth without trying to sound like he's got ovaries instead of testicles.
This guy sounds so much like me and 99% of the Americans I speak with on a daily basis it isn't even funny.
I'm very glad to see that the political correctness crap these politicians keep trying to throw up as a road block against exposing their corrupt and unconstitutional bullshit is wearing thin with people in the national media also.
That's a very telling sign that things are changing and the people are demanding our constitutions and our constitutional rights be upheld and defended whether our legislators like it or not. If they didn't want the duties and responsibilities that came with the office they shouldn't have run for the office.
Mr. Gillespie, I sincerely thank you, 
U.S. Army ret SFC B.L. Cozad Jr
Indiahoma, OK

In Oklahoma, the Gamefowl industry (the unconstitutional Law criminalizing cockfighting) draws a clearly defined line between those Oklahoma legislators that believe in upholding their oath of office "to support and defend the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Oklahoma" and the lilly-lived sap suckers with the yellow streak down their backs that are in the pocket of the affluent social and political elite that Mr. Gillespie very articulately and effectively decribed.

On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 11:42 PM, B.L. Cozad Jr wrote:

 As legislator Phil Richardson stood face to face with me as I explained the law against the gamefowl industry and ask him if the equivalent law against the pork industry would be constitutional? He stated "naw that law wouldn't be constitutional". Then I reminded him that in accordance with the 14th amendment to the constitution we're ALL entitled to equal protection of the law. And we'd put every legislators name in the newspaper that chose to endanger human lives over our game chickens we're simply trying to harvest in our effort to feed our families in rural Oklahoma.
He then started trying to back peddle and look for a way to run away. He quite literally looked down and then turned and started for his inner office door like a whipped pup saying quite literally from under his armpit "you're not going to get that in front of the legislature".
This tub of spineless lard admitted the same exact law criminalizing the gamefowl industry if applied to other animal agriculture industries is unconstitutional yet doesn't have the guts to uphold his oath of office "to support and defend the Constitution of the United States" for the rural gamefowl owners and our animal agrculture industry. I wonder what kind of ties Sue Ann Hamm and this dishonorable excuse for a legislator have? 
This sorry excuse for an elected leader will sit on his sorry ass in the office many rural people within his district help pay for and take his salary then sit by and watch as law enforcement officers make raids and endanger rural Oklahomans lives over the way we raise and harvest our livestock and earn a living trying to feed our families in rural Oklahoma to pay his salary because affluent and arrogant urbanized socialist elitists put a higher value on their arrogant opinion and animals, fish and fowl than they do rural Oklahomans lives and families.
The very Constitution our soldiers lay down their lives to defend this lard bucket doesn't have the guts to even "speak up" to defend. If you didn't want the duty why did you run for the office, for the corrupt perks and payoffs that come with the office?
Next time I get to the state capitol I'll get go see the ethics committee and get copies of a few more legislators campaign donations lists of course the amount of money that changes hands without being recorded I'm sure is a lot larger than the amount reported.
Any legislator that refuses to admit that the law criminalizing the gamefowl industry is unconstitutional or doesn't stand up and admit the law is unconstitutional and must be repealed absolutely has a hidden ulterior reason. And I think that reason probably flows from Mrs. Sue Ann Hamm and her money.
Thank you,
B.L. Cozad Jr
Mr. Harold Hamm and his wife Sue Ann Hamm absolutely think they can BUY our Oklahoma legislators. Note the illegal allowances made so she can give private money to create and fund the state agency SHE wanted created.
Now they are asking for our tax dollars to fund and authorize POLICE POWERS to this corrupt agency. 

How many rural Oklahoma farmers, ranchers and families will have to be destroyed, animal agriculture industries criminalized and shut down or possibly even KILLED by her UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND CORRUPT ANIMAL POLICE AGENCY before our legislators shut their doors to this animal rights extremist nutjob and stop letting her money buy the constitutional rights of the rural Oklahomans?

Edward Hamm 
Donation of 
$2,400 donation to portman for senate committee
$1,000 donation to levin for congress
$1,000 donation to boren for congress
$1,000 donation to abramson, jerry
$1,000 donation to abramson, jerry
$1,000 donation to oklahomans for mike thompson
$1,000 donation to friends of roy blunt

Sue Ann Hamm
Donation of
$2,400 donation to hoeven for senate
$2,400 donation to cloud for congress
$2,300 donation to rudy giuliani
$2,300 donation to john mccain
$2,300 donation to mitt romney
$2,100 donation to Friends Of Jim Inhofe Committee

Bought and paid for by the Hamm's
Senator Patrick Anderson (R-Enid)
Mike Jackson (R-Enid)
Lee Denney (R-Cushing)

All calculations are based on public records filed with the FEC of contributions by all individuals totaling more than $200 (and some totaling less than $200) to a single Republican or Democratic presidential campaign or national committee.
FundRace is updated according to the reporting schedule set by the FEC. Public contribution data is geocoded using public U.S. Census Bureau data. Dynamic maps are powered by Google Maps.

Sue Ann Hamm , Board of directors, Central Oklahoma Humane Society

On February 10, 2011, the City Sentinel published an article by Stacy Martin. In this article, she quotes Angel Soriano, Chair of the Oklahoma Commercial Pet Breeders Board to say that the Board is completely self-sufficient in funding. 
It is a state agency created by a private donation.
The truth of this is that Sue Ann Hamm has given a sizeable donation to fund this Board and agency from its inception. No fees whatsoever can be accepted at this time by this agency until the rules are approved and in effect, which could not be until at least July 1, 2011. It is a state agency created by a private donation, with a Board consisting of this donator as the “Member at Large” on the Board. To my knowledge, this is the first time in Oklahoma history that an agency has been created with private funding . This is of great concern to several legislators in both Houses of the Oklahoma Legislature. When SB1712 was originally authored by Senator Patrick Anderson of Enid, coincidently where Mrs. Hamm is from , there was no allowance for private donations to fund this agency and Board. It wasamended and passed allowing for private donations . Hmmm….

In another article, this time in the Oklahoma Gazette, dated February 23, 2011, Mr. Soriano is quoted as saying “When the state’s Commercial Pet Breeders Act was signed into law, it was intended to address a problem in the state that both the USDA and animal welfare groups have pointed out.” Did you catch that? Animal welfare groups! Sue Ann Hamm sits on the Board of Directors of the Central Oklahoma Humane Society, and in 2009 gave them a very sizeable donation. 

Today, various Hamm companies operate in 20 states, employing hundreds of people. In 2007, Harold was named to the Forbes Magazine’s list of the 400 wealthiest Americans. He is No. 42 on the latest list.

Hamm serves as chairman of the boards of Hiland Holdings and Hiland Partners. He is past chairman of the Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association and served as a founding board member of the Oklahoma Energy Resources Board. He was president of the National Stripper Well Association and founder and chairman of Save Domestic Oil, Inc.

The Harold and Sue Ann Hamm Foundation was established in late 2006 to facilitate their charitable giving. Among many other gifts, Harold and his wife Sue Ann donated $10 million to become the founding donors for the Harold Hamm Oklahoma Diabetes Center, on The University of Oklahoma’s Health Science Center Campus. 

Good reading,

Subject: A response I received from one legislator regarding the e-mail on ties with animal rights extremist Sue Ann Hamm

Hello all,
This is one response I received from a legislator today. We are exposing the legislators with ties to these extremists and some legislators like Senator Ford thinks that keeping us from putting an ad in the Nowata newspaper is going to stop us from letting everyone in his district know about his support of unconstitutional laws against our Oklahoma agriculture industries. He's wrong, we are making copies of the ads and handing them out at coffee shops, feed stores, agriculture sales, livestock auctions, hunting and fishing events and we will do this to EVERY LEGISLATOR that supports ANY idea that these animal extremist like Mrs. Hamm and the HSUS propose.
Thank you, B.L.

Sgt Cozad,
I agree with you 100%! I am fighting the rules set by the HSUS loving board members who are trying to put more stringent rules on our rural pet breeders. I also agree with you that they are slapping us Vets in the face by not abiding by the constitution we protected. I saw it today at the Capitol when I was trying to get a bill out of a committee. We will get rid of these fake politicians who don't stand up for the constitution, during the next election!
Hang in there brother and stop by and see me sometime at the Capitol.
Thank you sir and next time I get to the Capitol I will be honored to stop in and visit with you. Thank you for your service, the sacrifices and time you've spent defending the freedom too many of our legislators trample underfoot trying to be the first in line to kiss Mrs. Hamm's ass.
The article below I sent to all of the Oklahoma legislators yesterday. It is also the next ad for the newspapers. Do not change this article in any way and leave my name on it so that if Mrs Hamm wants to sue anyone she can only attack me. I don't want anyone else to put themselves into any situation because of my opinion:
Too many of our state legislators are cowards that don't have the guts to lead any fight, honestly supporting and defending the U.S. and OK Constitutions and maybe they need to see an example of what leadership actually is.
Maybe our Oklahoma legislators should research and find out more about Congressman Allen West and his actions during a time of war to SAVE his soldiers lives and figure out that as a leader your goal isn't sacrificing those you lead in an effort to promote yourself to a higher leadership role by kissing the asses of affluent and arrogant social elitists but to look out and care for every person you lead including the rural minority.
There is NO PART of the constitution or the oath of office of our legislators which states the duty of our legislators is to support and defend animals, fish and fowl because Mrs. Hamm says so.

A few Oklahoma Legislators seem to have ties to Animal Rights Extremist Sue Ann Hamm
Sue Ann Hamm: The billionaire animal rights extremist obviously doesn’t think rural people are entitled to constitutional rights or our animal agriculture industries. We’re not entitled to harvest our livestock or even own our livestock unless she says so.
I went to the OK State Capitol today (13 April 11) and Mrs. Hamm (as is all to often) was there also, she of course was very nicely ordering the legislators to do whatever she says on whichever subject she’s there to address on this particular day. From what I understand it was the dog breeding industry she was intent on attacking today.
The way she acts you really begin to understand that she absolutely thinks she owns the state of Oklahoma and every legislator in the state capitol and in her arrogant social elitist state (Oklahoma) the only opinion that matters is hers and everyone else has the obligation to live by her opinion.
Of course if you tried to explain to Mrs. Hamm that she is an animal rights’ extremist and her opinion does not negate the constitutional rights of the animal owners across rural Oklahoma. I’m sure she would try to show you her checkbook balance and explain that her husband is a billionaire.
When any legislator tramples on the very constitution he/she takes an oath to support and defend and puts Mrs. Hamm’s opinion above the constitutional rights of the rural livestock owners and property owners it absolutely displays that the legislator has no integrity, no morals and no respect for the servicemen and women that took the same oath and have given their lives to defend the same constitutional rights the legislator is trampling to gain the support of Sue Ann Hamm.
Moral questions are matters of opinion and subject to individual biases, prejudices and experiences. How does it protect the farmers and ranchers property rights to deprive us of our property rights and the right to own and harvest our livestock (property) without paying just and equitable compensation in complete violation of the 5 th amendment of the US Constitution based on Sue Ann Hamm’s opinion?
I don’t think she is capable of even comprehending the argument because she doesn’t believe anyone else is entitled to an opinion. To Mrs. Hamm her opinion is the only opinion that matters so what is there to argue about?
The summary of Mrs. Sue Ann Hamm’s arrogant attitude is “do what I say or I’ll have the legislators send law enforcement officers into rural Oklahoma to point guns at you and force you to comply with my opinion and what I say”.
In a recent decision striking down Prop 8 as unconstitutional in CA the Federal Court Judge stated (summarized here) that “moral disapproval alone is an improper basis to deprive men and women of their rights.”
The ruling directly reflects the the indisputable fact that a majority cannot deny, a minority group, of fundamental freedoms and rights based simply on personal opinions of morality.  (especially over a chicken or dog which is the personal property of the owner)
Yet Mrs. Hamm wants to force her opinion onto the various animal agriculture industries in Oklahoma, attacking, crippling and ultimately trying to destroy each one, one after another.
And accordingly anytime a farmer or rancher refuses to comply with Mrs. Hamm’s opinion, human lives can and should be endangered by raids and if necessary destroyed to force compliance with her opinion even if it means violating human rights, rural Oklahomans Constitutional rights and freedoms, destroying all of Oklahoma’s agriculture industries and/or killing rural animal owners, farmers and ranchers after all her opinion and the animals, fish and fowl must come before the lives of rural people in Oklahoma because she has more money and the peons are only entitled to her live as her and her social elitists friend's subjects.
Another elitist from history had the same arrogant attitude and once made a now famous quote “let them eat cake”.
Thank You,
U.S. Army ret SFC B.L. Cozad Jr

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