Finally, HSUS, PETA, and their animal rights agenda have been exposed in a highly read and respected conservative newsletter!! American Thinker is a go- to news source read by millions including the powerful in the media and politics.
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The Animal Rights Extremists Nearing Victory in California
It is becoming clearer with each passing day that something is terribly, terribly wrong in California . Gradually, unnoticed by most, California is slowly deteriorating over time like a grand old mansion with a steadily crumbling foundation. The California Dream is slowly dying and what seems to be rising from the ashes is a nightmare. Why? How did this happen? The answer is quite simple. Deliberate and strategic social and political engineering by motivated special interest groups. These groups seek to force their agendas upon us via carefully crafted and legislated mandates.
The most powerful, dangerous, and influential of these groups are found in the realms of environmental activism (green groups) and animal rights. Homeland Security has identified in an official national security report that these groups constitute one of the most dangerous terrorist threats to America on a par with Muslim jihadists. While we have been busily pursuing our livelihoods and enjoying our families and animals, these dangerous groups have been stealthily working behind the scenes to gain more and more political power and influence over us all.
Among the more potent of these special interest groups are HSUS (Humane Society of the United States ) and PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). HSUS is the richest and most politically powerful Animal Rights organization in the world. They seek to synthesize an unnatural world devoid of all animal use including the abolition of pet ownership and animal-based farming. Their ultimate goal is nothing less than the extinction of all domestic species. Here is one of the more infamous quotes from the president of HSUS, Wayne Pacelle, which clearly conveys this horrific goal:
We have no ethical obligation to preserve the different breeds of livestock produced through selective breeding ...One generation and out. We have no problems with the extinction of domestic animals. They are creations of human selective breeding. - Animal People News, May 1993
PETA, funded by the leftist Tides Foundation, is no less radical in its beliefs as conveyed by President Ingrid Newkirk:
There's no rational basis for saying that a human being has special rights. A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy. They're all animals. - Ingrid Newkirk, Washingtonian magazine, Aug 1986 and: Humans have grown like a cancer. We're the biggest blight on the face of the earth. - Ingrid Newkirk, Washingtonian magazine, Feb 1990
Shockingly, PETA kills over 95% of the animals it takes into their Norfolk , Virginia "shelter" annually according to state records. One can only assume that they equate death with kindness.
Unbelievably, HSUS, and to a lesser extent PETA, have grown into well-funded juggernauts with tremendous political influence at the local, state, and federal levels in the United States . HSUS pushes for a thousand-plus laws on all levels per year to usher in its brave new vegan vision. Most of this lobbying activity appears to be illegal and based upon fraudulent fundraising activity. There is an ongoing IRS investigation into this matter. Meanwhile, PETA's focus is the media, education, and influencing public opinion to embrace the animal rights agenda. Horrifically, they have been incredibly successful to this end.
It has long been the goal of HSUS and PETA to "capture" California and to mandate veganism through carefully worded and placed state laws. The "capture" of California would be the crown jewel of their animal rights movement knowing that as goes California , so goes the nation. To this end, HSUS has ushered forth SB 917 and AB 1117. SB 917 will legally redefine the term "animal cruelty" with purposefully overbroad and poorly defined law to include the transportation, display, and all sales of animals on public property.
Think carefully about that. This would mean that if you walk your dog or if your cat suns herself in your front yard you are, be the strictest interpretation of this law, "displaying" an animal and are guilty of "animal cruelty," which will be a misdemeanor replete with arrest, jail time, seizure of your animal, and punitive fines. If you transport rabbits to a show or take your dog to the vet you would, according to SB 917, be committing an act of animal cruelty. If your child gives away kittens in front of Walmart, she will instantly become a criminal in doing so.
AB 1117 further expands the scope and reach of SB 917 by mandating seizure of all animals in one's possession if a single act of "animal cruelty" has occurred (see SB 917). Heavy fines and "upkeep" fees are then levied against the owner for each animal seized. AB 1117 allows for the killing or other disposition of seized animals before the accused can prove innocence in court. This bill allows for the destruction of evidence and the theft of real property under the color of law.
Furthermore, if the accusation is founded (remember all evidence has been destroyed or disposed of) then the accused will not be allowed to own any animal again for 5 years. All other people living with the accused are bound by the same mandate. It does not take a lot of imagination to figure out how such bills might destroy all animal-based agriculture, pet breeding, and animal ownership in California.
Both of these bills have nearly passed through both the California Assembly and Senate. If you find this both shocking and terrifying, then please immediately contact your representatives at the state and federal levels. Contact the governor of California and urge him to veto both SB 917 and AB 1117.
After contacting your representatives, it is equally important to inform as many people as possible to do likewise. Tell family members, friends, co-workers, and anyone else you can think of about these dangerous bills. Contact your local Tea Party and as many groups who have an interest in animal ownership that you can. Write to the editor of your local paper to get the word out. Knowledge is power. With knowledge and the fortitude to oppose those in power who push for these laws, we can effectively fight back against these highly influential animal rights special interest groups (HSUS and PETA) to save animal ownership in California .
Diane Amble is with the California Animal Voters Alliance .
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Showing 15 comments
- It will be a short lived victory for the social engineers. California is now 37% Hispanic. The social engineers only have to look south to see what their future holds. Los Angeles will become another Mexico City , complete with all the pollution, crowding and crime. No amount of wacko green laws will make the air breathable. The Hispanics are not going to waste money on pie in the sky dreams. There will be little money for anything as California slides into 3rd world chaos. Do Mexican gangs and drug lords care about animal rights, gay rights, religious rights, or even human rights? That will be California 's future in the next 20-30 years.
- Yet another reason I'm glad I moved out of California . I lived there my whole life and moved to Texas a year and a half ago due to lack of jobs. I've never been happier. The wealthy (i.e. company owners and job creators for you liberals that are too ignorant to understand) and the intelligent are leaving California in droves. The only thing that will be left soon will be the dregs, mooches and illegals. Good luck digging yourself out of the financial mess you've got with that lot, and the inept liberal legislators you vote for time and again.
- Who are these people? The world is on its way to Hell in a hand-basket, and these people
are blathering on about outlawing pets and domestic livestock? These animal rights wing-
nuts shouldn't be sponsoring legislation, they should be remanded to a mental health
facility to determine what sort of mental disorder causes them to behave the way they do. This level of self-loathing should, at the very least, creep-out even the most hardened
cynic. From the generation that brought us live and let live, what we end up with is really
live and let die? Why do these socialists always seem to offer their willing support to the concept of mass killing as a solution to every problem? For people who claim that they
care more deeply for Fido and his friends, they certainly do manage to kill off a lot of them.
- All they want is power over the citizens. They don't give a whit about people or animals.
- Maybe cannibalism should make a comeback, I read from accounts by Japanese soldiers in Northern Australia that people do indeed taste like chicken.
- The beauty of the US is that California will enact all these laws and fail miserably while Texas will enact conservative laws and succeed demonstrating to all what works.
- I can not help but think that the the Animal Rights nuts are overreaching the way Obama and his goons have. Forcibly removing a beloved pet, and then killing it before the owner could make it to court to reverse the travesty strikes me as something that would create a very angry citizenry.
And what about guide dogs and all the other animals that have been trained to help people with various disabilities? Just like Obama, the animal rights nuts are in for a surprise.
- Dear Al, don't be so oppomistic. Usually what happens in Kalifornia eventually filters out to the rest of the country.
Glenn Beck did a show on the eco-wackos. They have a upside down world with animals on the top of the pyramid and people at the bottom. Just the exact opposite of what the Bible says that God gave to man (and woman) dominion over the animals, birds, and seas.
The first eco-wackos were the Nazis (National Socialists). So keep voting progressive (actually statist) at your peril. They are totalitarians. Their quest is power; all the excuses are just ruses.
- Skip, according to the cannabals of New Guinea , Humans taste like pork. in fact they call human flesh "long pig"
After learning this, I may never eat baby backs again
- These bills would make the transport of animals from farm to slaughter house and pets from home to veterinary office (over public roads) illegal, which would instantly put the vast majority of restaurants, vets, and grocery stores out of business. The law of un?intended consequences dictates that that alone -- millions of restaurant, animal care, farm and grocery workers suddenly no longer paying taxes and demanding unemployment and free medical care -- will push California over the edge.
I say, let's all giddy up out to California and help the farmers get their critters out of the state before the law passes, then lock the gates behind us.
These animal rights and eco-green activists have less credibility than religious suicide bombers. At least the terrorists put their lives where their mouths are. Until these activists start killing off themselves and their families to demonstrate the depth and passion and truth of their beliefs, they have zero credibility.
- "The most powerful, dangerous, and influential of these groups are found in the realms of environmental activism (green groups) and animal rights. Homeland Security has identified in an official national security report that these groups constitute one of the most dangerous terrorist threats to America on a par with Muslim jihadists.
Would this be the same DHS ("Homeland Security") that thinks that 6 year old Anglo girls and 95 year old Anglo women are more dangerous than twenty-something year old Middle Eastern men? Would this be the same DHS that is run by the same Janet Napolitano who has said that tens of millions of Mexicans invading across America 's souther border is "not a crime per se"? Would this be the same DHS that is run by the same Janet Napolitano who has called millions of veterans and millions of political conservatives potential terrorists? Would this be the same DHS that is run by the same Janet Napolitano who oversea ICE which has been implicated working with the ATF group tasked to Fast and Furious?
- It will be hilarious when the leftists in the animal rights crowd meet the leftists in the illegal immigration crowd. Immigrants from Latin America thrive on eating meat of all kinds- carne asada, menudo, carnitas, pollo, mariscos, ostrich, goat, lamb, etc. Meat is essential to the style of food. So, what is a good liberal to do? Welcome illegals in only to condemn them? Watching their heads explode will be fun to watch.
- I am a California resident, and this is very typical of what is happening right now. Due to the fact that the Democrats control the CA State Assembly, the CA Senate and Governorship, we are now being subjected to whatever the Democrats and the factions who support them dream up. SEIU wants X they get it, PETA wants Z they get it too. And since there has been a massive exodus of responsible CA residents who fled to better states, there is little if any way to stop them. But the problem for the Democrats is that they can not raise taxes without a 2/3rds majority. So even though we have a de facto "gimmie voter" majority of 51% or greater they are still screwed, and the Democrats just lost a 12.5 Billion dollar tax hike that has now expired. So to keep the libs and their supporters faithful we get this Global warming lunacy combined with things like this PETA deal. I am not sure that the average American knows how much Beef, Pork, Lamb or Milk is produced in California . The problem is there are two laws on the docket, the libs have a very good chance at getting at least one passed.
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- This is all a part of a grand scheme funded by George Soros and his communist buddies to crash society and re boot it into communism. The Cloward and Piven strategy is working according to plan. Or so they think. Unfortunatly they rely on illegal immigration as part of their plan. Do you think the illegals will obey their new laws? They don't obey any laws now and will continue with their cock fights, dog fights, having farm animals in city neighborhoods, etc. Illegals out baby humans at an un controlled rate and manner, do you really think they will follow any animal rights laws? California will become another Mexico , well beyond the reach of any law enforcement.
- I have to agree with Southern_Hoosier regarding the future of California . La Raza and other Hispanic "rights" groups along with their Liberal Socialist allies are in the process of turning California into an Estado of Mexico. Accordingly, more Anglos are moving out as more Mexicans arrive from the south. As California becomes more "Mexicanized" all the Liberal Socialist crap in the world won't mean squat. When La Raza decides to evict ALL Anglos, appropriate their lands and businesses, our Liberals Socislists will sigh and say, "Well, Anglos, afterall politically castrated Mexicans when they "stole" Mexican land. It's only fitting that they TAKE it back. It is theirs, after all." If you think that the Zetas (drug cartel) and others will care about the gays, women and animals, forget it. What they wil do is BULLFIGHTS and COCKFIGHTS every Saturday night. Gov Moonbeam and compnay better get ready for it. They deserve it! So much for PETA, HSUS and IDIOCY.
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