An article please do your part to spread the truth about the HSUS and the American gamecock harvest industry.
In truth there is no compromise and no middle ground when dealing with the HSUS and their agenda, our state and federal legislators are either supporting our constitutional rights, property rights and our animal agriculture industries or they are supporting the HSUS and the socialist agenda of the United Nations Agenda 21. Please read through to the end.
The Routine Propaganda of the HSUS is losing Credibility and Support.
Statements from their senior officials used to strike fear into the hearts of cowardly legislators afraid of not jumping to the HSUS’s tune. Now as the truth regarding the HSUS becomes more publicly exposed everyday lies such as the one below from the HSUS’s vice president Jonathan R. Lovvorn are no longer carrying the weight or intimidating opponents.
“Cockfighting is a vicious bloodsport, and a serious federal crime,” said Jonathan R. Lovvorn, vice president & chief counsel for animal protection litigation for The HSUS.
“The twisted proponents of this sickening animal cruelty have gone to court three times to strike down the nation’s animal-fighting law, and lost three times.”
This is clearly contradicted by the recent 10th circuit court ruling in the Robert Langford cockfighting case where the Federal court stated the “cockfighting is a victimless crime”.
And “the twisted proponents” of the gamecock harvest industry are in truth livestock owners = “rural farmers and ranchers” that raise and harvest gamecocks (livestock) in the same industry and method of harvest the gamecock has been harvested in for more than 3,000 years.
The rural farmers and ranchers that engage in the gamecock harvest industry are simply that “farmers and ranchers” with the same values that other farmers and ranchers hold.
Sociology studies from leading sociologists at Clemson University and Virginia Polytechnical University display a very different picture of the people engaged in the gamecock harvest industry than the slanderous HSUS propaganda paints.
Slanderous name calling like “twisted proponents of this sickening animal cruelty” are carefully chosen words meant to intentionally mislead and biased the general public against the farmers and ranchers whose primary livestock are gamecocks.
In reality it is found that the lies of the HSUS about the gamecock owners are intentionally meant to intimidate the gamecock owners, distort the public view against and cast disparaging shadows over who these “farmers and ranchers” really are.
The summary of the National sociology study of American cockfighters clearly refutes the HSUS’s lies:
Research conducted by Clemson University sociology professor William C. Capel and Virginia Polytechnical University sociology professor Clifton Bryant. They co-authored “The Clemson Report” in 1974 and again in 1991, a sociological profile of cockfighters. They reported that “Devotees of cockfighting show no psychological abnormalities. ... There are no serious psychological differences between those who engage in this behavior and those who do not. Certainly there are no signs of psychotic behavior. ... “People engaged in this recreational form are basically conservative, highly concerned with health and outdoor life, strongly patriotic and strongly in favor of obeying laws and preservation of public order.” Many cockfighters had jobs in government, education or the armed forces, and almost none were on welfare or unemployed. Almost 40 percent were “in the white-collar ranks of sales, administration or business positions,” almost 30 percent were “skilled blue collar” and about 25 percent were “semi-skilled blue collar.” About 27 percent had some education beyond high school. In an interview for a story published in Harper’s magazine, Professor Bryant said: “They’re mostly middle-class, from small towns or the country, more likely to be married, more likely to stay married, more likely to go to church, to be veterans,” he says. “In fact, if you tried to go back and put together a typical American of the 1940s or ‘50s that would be a cockfighter.”
I personally know many cockfighters and have been going to the cockfights since I was 14 years old (over 30 years) and the description above is the most honest description of the majority of cockfighters that I have ever seen in print.
This then in reality sounds like this sociology study is describing a typical rural farmer or rancher and in reality that is exactly who the gamecock owners are. Our livestock just happens to be gamecocks instead of beef cattle and the method of harvest of gamecocks differs from the method of harvest of a steer but then again so does the method of harvest of a goat.
Maybe we should send Law Enforcement Officers out and create situations where we may potentially kill those despicable twisted goat killing proponents of the goat murder industry, you know those vile “farmers and ranchers” that are raising and harvesting goats to earn a living and feed their families in rural America.
As the truth of the HSUS agenda is being exposed to more and more people Wayne Pacelle is now stating that he wants to “work with the animal agriculture industries and prefers compromise to conflict”. He goes on to say: "We are looking for a new way forward," Pacelle said. "Instead of endless campaigning or conflict with political adversaries, we now want to forge solutions that produce tangible and meaningful outcomes for animals. And that means sitting down with people who see the world differently than we do, even sitting down with industries that we've had deep disagreements with in the past."
Let me assist Wayne in fully understanding what he supports: sending Law Enforcement Officers out to point guns at rural Americans to force these rural farmers and ranchers into compliance with Wayne’s opinion regarding our livestock.
I’d like to know where Wayne thinks he has any ownership rights vested in “my property” (livestock) that would enable him and his corrupt organization to sway legislators to grant rights to my livestock and then dictate to me what my constitutionally protected property rights are as he attempts to criminalize and destroy my ability to harvest my livestock, earn a living and provide for my family in rural America?
If that is "compromise" in Wayne Pacelle’s book then the farmers and ranchers across America must realize that Wayne Pacelle’s entire organization (the HSUS) is a privately owned business that’s sole mission and money making efforts are designed to infringe upon, slowly strip away and ultimately remove the property rights of rural farmers and ranchers to their livestock and the land which they own.
And that is the “United Nations Agenda 21 Wildlands Project” and the “Socialist One World Government proponents’ intentions and plan being carried out by the HSUS.
Thank you,
U.S. Army ret SFC B.L. Cozad Jr
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