Saturday, October 1, 2011

“HSUS Is A School Yard Bully”

frank-losey.jpg“HSUS has demonstrated an ability to destroy the image of so many wonderful and caring people. They have deceived the American public. It feeds on itself and builds on itself. They can orchestrate the confiscation of your animals. They can sue you, destroy you and take away your freedom to own animals that you have cared for and loved your entire life. They can force you to deplete all your resources to defend yourself. They are like the school yard bully. They are so successful because they have an obscene amount of money. They have a propaganda and lobbying machine unlike anything else,” warns Frank Losey, an attorney for dog breeders who has been active in fighting HSUS abuse of non-profit status, most recently in the Missouri Proposition B effort.

This was Losey’s opening statement at the Summit of the Horses 2011, an event held Jan. 3-6 in Las Vegas, NV. I listened to the speakers via webcast, and I thought you all might appreciate what Losey had to say. He referenced the federal Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act (AETA), which prohibits any person from using force, violence or threats for the purpose of damaging or interfering with the operations of an animal enterprise.

“We are now in a better position to tell the American public our true story. This story is beginning to be told, and will continue to be told. Work is also under way to use this network to increase awareness among breeders, as well as in the FBI, about how best to document violations of the federal AETA by overzealous animal rights activists,” says Losey.

The AETA specifically addresses the targeting system used by animal rights activists by prohibiting any person from intentional damaging the property of a person or entity having a connection to an animal enterprise. It also increases the existing penalties for intentionally causing a person bodily injury or intentionally placing a person in reasonable fear of death or bodily injury; includes penalties based on the amount of economic damage caused; and allows animal enterprises to seek restitution.

“HSUS CEO Wayne Pacelle thinks AETA is an unjust law. Do yourself a favor, circulate the documents explaining the law and understand it. Also, if you are involved with an incident, write a letter to the FBI. Say you have been bullied and explain the incident. We can generate thousands of emails, phone calls and letters to the FBI,” explains Losey.

HumaneWatch has an interview with Losey that you can read here. In addition, you can learn more about the federal AETA by linking here. You might also like to read Losey’s clever campaign, How To Spay and Neuter The HSUS. I welcome your thoughts on Losey’s statements, how best we can use the federal AETA law in unjust situations and what you think of HSUS, the schoolyard bully.

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