Saturday, October 1, 2011

Great information and the truth about the animal rights extremists agenda can be found on this site

Hello all,

Please take the time to visit the web site below.

Also understand the implications of the court ruling below. = The HSUS
is unconstitutionally working in corrupt collusion with many of the
law enforcement agencies and our government officials to seize our
property (livestock) so our property can be virtually given to this
corrupt organization so they can reap the economic profits of our
property in violation of eminent domain laws and our constitutional
guarantees and property rights. TAX COURT RULING ON INDIANA DOG BREEDER
CASE On June 2, 2009

Check it out for yourself at the above sites. Remember your
legislators are either on the side of the constitution and defending
our unalienable rights, our property rights, human rights and
upholding their oath of office and defending the constitution or they
are on the side of the socialist agenda of the HSUS.

And yes it really is that simple. Our legislators either have the
backbone to uphold their oath of office and defend the constitutional
rights of the minority or they must be exposed as the cowards they are
and replaced by people of honor and courage that will have the
backbone to uphold their oath of office.

The gamecock harvest industry draws this line very clearly. On one
side is the unalienable and constitutional rights of the individual to
own, possess and harvest our livestock, the same way our livestock has
been harvested for more than 3,000 years while we attempt to earn a
living and provide for our families and on the other is the socialist
agenda and the destruction of our property rights, our agriculture
industry and the endangerment of our lives using government agents to
tyrannize Americans (the minority) and destroy our lives using the
excuse of protecting our chickens (livestock).

Thank you,
U.S. Army ret SFC B.L. Cozad Jr

A SAOVA message to sportsmen, pet owners and farmers concerned about
protecting their traditions, avocations and livelihoods from
anti-hunting, anti-breeding, animal guardianship advocates. Forwarding
and cross posting, with attribution, encouraged.

NEWS & LEGISLATION BRIEFS August 24, 2011 Dear SAOVA Friends, We began
a couple of months ago to make some revisions to the SAOVA website
section for Resources/Reports. On the main page we added various
research tools by linking to sites such as Roll Call Votes for
Congress; Justia US Law; Social Science Research Network (a database
of reports); the Federal Register; and sites for accessing Freedom of
Information and Public Record Requests laws and forms. We added a link
to a compilation of Animal Cruelty Laws, a small part of the State Law
Clearinghouse section of the National Agricultural Law Center website.
This exceptional site is a wealth of information and highly
recommended as a resource. Interestingly, Steve Kopperud's Inside DC
column this week is focused on the National Ag Law Center. His
article, "Best kept secret in the industry", is reprinted below with
permission from Brownfield Ag News. Our Resources/Reports section now
includes an HSUS Timeline and expose of the Animal Legal Defense Fund
(ALDF) and its Animal Abuser Registry campaign. Stay tuned - much more
to come. As always, we encourage cross posting of these messages.
Susan Wolf Sportsmen's & Animal Owners' Voting Alliance Issue lobbying
and working to identify and elect supportive legislators BEST KEPT
SECRET IN THE INDUSTRY August 19, 2011 By Steve Kopperud I'm sitting
in a Quality Inn in Fayetteville, Arkansas, going over in my head all
I heard today at the "Advances and Current Issues in Animal Wellbeing"
seminar I attended at the University of Arkansas. Yup, I hauled it to
Fayetteville to attend - not speak - this seminar, put on by Dr.
Yvonne Thaxton and the Poultry Science Department at Razorback Heaven.
The meeting was an outstanding first effort by Dr. Thaxton and her
team. Yvonne said she hoped for 50 or so attendees; she wound up with
nearly 120, and no small part of the reason was the high quality of
the program featuring the perspectives of producers, processors,
academics - one coming all the way from the United Kingdom - retailers
and ag advocates. But there was one presentation that knocked my socks
off - Elizabeth S. Rumley, Esq., and her "Statutory aspects of animal
confinement." OK, the title alone sounds like it would cure insomnia,
but the information Ms. Rumley laid out in such a cogent, logical way
was the best presentation I've heard of the state-by-state strategy -
and its evolution - of animal activists to mess with the marketplace
to such a degree that such things as the UEP-HSUS "compromise" are
inevitable. Inevitable, is perhaps too strong a word, but not
surprising if only because of the incredible expense producers and
retailers are confronted with in dealing with multiple production
mandates in multiple states. This is my conclusion, not Ms. Rumley's,
an astute attorney who simply put the facts out there and let us do
the math. Ms. Rumley works for the National Ag Law Center, or as one
of the attendees described the center, "the best kept secret in the
industry." I confess - and I'm embarrassed to say this - I was unaware
of it. Just go, and check out the mass of
information available, not just on animal welfare, but over 50
separate "reading rooms," on everything from country of origin
labeling to biotech to the GIPSA rule to check off programs to climate
change and the Clean Water Act, well, you name it's there. The amount
of information and the documentation is absolutely astounding. I defy
you to find an issue important to ag not covered in astounding detail.
Why am I raving about something as arcane as the National Ag Law
Center? First, it shouldn't be arcane; it should be a go-to source on
ag issues. I'm guessing there are companies, associations and advocacy
groups paying agencies and other components of the cottage industry
that is "celebrate agriculture" a whole bucket of money for the same
information you can get by clicking away on the Center's website.
Second, and actually more importantly, the Center is in economic
trouble since its federal funding was lost. What I'm saying here is
that if we don't rally, we could lose this just-found gem. The Center
is existing on grant money, and may have a grand plan for
self-sufficiency, but I'm guessing not. What I'm asking is that you
take the time to go to the Center's website and check it out. Then ask
yourself: "Can we afford to lose this?" Brownfield Ag News TAX COURT RULING ON INDIANA DOG BREEDER
CASE On June 2, 2009, state revenue and attorney general's officials
visited the Garwoods and demanded immediate payment of approximately
$142,000 from each woman for unpaid sales taxes, interest and
penalties from their puppy sales. When the women couldn't pay
immediately, Indiana State Police and HSUS seized 240 dogs on behalf
of the state. The next day the state sold the dogs, estimated to be
worth $72,000, to the HSUS for $300. On August 19, the Indiana Tax
Court filed an opinion in the case of Virginia Garwood, et al. v.
Indiana Dept. of State Revenue. In the 19-page opinion, Judge Martha
Wentworth ruled that the Department of Revenue and state attorney
general exceeded their authority by using jeopardy tax assessments to
seize the dogs from the Harrison County property of Virginia and
Kristin Garwood. Wentworth ruled that the advertisement of dogs for
sale in local newspapers, the breeding and sale of dogs, the failure
to register as a retail merchant, the failure to prepare and file
sales tax returns, and the failure to report income earned from the
retail sales of animals on their individual income tax returns did not
constitute a litmus test for properly issuing a jeopardy assessment.
Taken as a whole, these actions suggest that the Garwoods were not
properly reporting and paying taxes allegedly due, not that they
intended not to pay, or preserve the wherewithal to pay, their taxes.
Records also showed income from the sale of the dogs was included in
Garwoods' income tax returns. The Garwoods' assumption that dog sales
were exempt from sales tax, while wrong, was not indicative of intent
to circumvent payment of taxes. Thus, it also was not a basis for the
Department's use of jeopardy assessments in this case. Articles: *
Virginia Garwood, et al. v. Indiana Dept. of State Revenue. * Court
rejects tax tool used to close puppy mill
* Indiana Law Blog: * NAIA typepad.
Analysis of the Garwood Appeal: Subterfuge and Seized Dogs HSUS ANNOUNCES NEW SC STATE DIRECTOR HSUS
issued a press release on August 15, 2011 to announce the hiring of
another state director, Kimberly Kelly. Based in Charleston, Kelly is
a graduate of the Charleston School of Law, and the University of
California, Berkeley. She led the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund
while in law school and has also worked with The HSUS Animal
Protection Litigation department. Kelly is quoted as saying she is
grateful to work for HSUS and advance animal protection legislation in
South Carolina. The press release notes that last year HSUS helped
pass more than 100 animal protection laws in various states. South
Carolinians can expect to see a steady stream of HSUS legislation both
locally and at the state legislature. UPDATE ON SPAY NEUTER HSUS
CAMPAIGN Why Is The Humane Society Of The U.S. Permitted To Operate
"Above The Law" and Not Comply With Federal Laws? Frank Losey writes
that on August 4, 2011, a Documented Complaint was formally submitted
to, and is now being considered by, the Office of the U.S. Attorney
for the District of Columbia alleging that the Humane Society of the
U.S.; the Humane Society Legislative Fund; Mr. Wayne Pacelle; Mr.
Michael Markarian; Ms. Nancy Perry; and Ms. Sarah Amundson have failed
to comply with the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 for up to five or
more years. The Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 requires that any
entity or employee who has had as few as only one contact with a
Member of Congress or any of their staff for the purpose of lobbying
in support of any Federal Legislation; or has contacted a Senior
Official in the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government, such as the
White House or the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for the purpose of
influencing Government Policies is required to submit a Lobbying
Registration Document, as well as to file Quarterly and Semi-Annual
Lobbying Reports, to the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives
and to the Secretary of the U.S. Senate. Senior Executive Employees of
the HSUS and its affiliated Lobbying Organizations have cumulatively
and literally had thousands of direct contacts with Members of
Congress, Congressional Staffers and with Senior Officials in the
Executive Branch of our Government over the last five-plus years.
However, none have ever registered as a Lobbyist, or as a Lobbying
Organization, or as a Lobbying Client, as they are required to do by
the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995. Yet Pacelle's BIO highlights the
fact that he served as the "chief lobbyist and spokesperson" for the
HSUS for nearly 10 years before he became the President and CEO of the
HSUS. And most recently, when he appeared on the Greta Van Susteren
FOX TV Program that aired on July 20, 2011, and he was asked why he
and Michael Vick were together on Capitol Hill in Washington DC, his
explicit quote was "We are here to lobby!" Full article is posted at
The Cavalry Group blogspot along
with instructions for a sample letter to the Office of the U.S.
Attorney for the District of Columbia.


Dear SAOVA Friends,

We began a couple of months ago to make some revisions to the SAOVA
website section for Resources/Reports.  On the main page we added
various research tools by linking to sites such as Roll Call Votes for
Congress; Justia US Law; Social Science Research Network (a database
of reports); the Federal Register; and sites for accessing Freedom of
Information and Public Record Requests laws and forms.

We added a link to a compilation of Animal Cruelty Laws, a small part
of the State Law Clearinghouse section of the National Agricultural
Law Center website.  This exceptional site is a wealth of information
and highly recommended as a resource.  Interestingly, Steve Kopperud’s
Inside DC column this week is focused on the National Ag Law Center.
His article, “Best kept secret in the industry”, is reprinted below
with permission from Brownfield Ag News.

Our Resources/Reports section now includes an HSUS Timeline and expose
of the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) and its Animal Abuser Registry
campaign.  Stay tuned – much more to come.

As always, we encourage cross posting of these messages.

Susan Wolf

Sportsmen’s & Animal Owners’ Voting Alliance

Issue lobbying and working to identify and elect supportive legislators


August 19, 2011 By Steve Kopperud

I’m sitting in a Quality Inn in Fayetteville, Arkansas, going over in
my head all I heard today at the “Advances and Current Issues in
Animal Wellbeing” seminar I attended at the University of Arkansas.
Yup, I hauled it to Fayetteville to attend – not speak – this seminar,
put on by Dr. Yvonne Thaxton and the Poultry Science Department at
Razorback Heaven.

The meeting was an outstanding first effort by Dr. Thaxton and her
team. Yvonne said she hoped for 50 or so attendees; she wound up with
nearly 120, and no small part of the reason was the high quality of
the program featuring the perspectives of producers, processors,
academics – one coming all the way from the United Kingdom – retailers
and ag advocates.

But there was one presentation that knocked my socks off – Elizabeth
S. Rumley, Esq., and her “Statutory aspects of animal confinement.”
OK, the title alone sounds like it would cure insomnia, but the
information Ms. Rumley laid out in such a cogent, logical way was the
best presentation I’ve heard of the state-by-state strategy – and its
evolution – of animal activists to mess with the marketplace to such a
degree that such things as the UEP-HSUS “compromise” are inevitable.
Inevitable, is perhaps too strong a word, but not surprising if only
because of the incredible expense producers and retailers are
confronted with in dealing with multiple production mandates in
multiple states. This is my conclusion, not Ms. Rumley’s, an astute
attorney who simply put the facts out there and let us do the math.

Ms. Rumley works for the National Ag Law Center, or as one of the
attendees described the center, “the best kept secret in the
industry.” I confess – and I’m embarrassed to say this – I was unaware
of it. Just go, and check out the mass of
information available, not just on animal welfare, but over 50
separate “reading rooms,” on everything from country of origin
labeling to biotech to the GIPSA rule to check off programs to climate
change and the Clean Water Act, well, you name it’s there. The amount
of information and the documentation is absolutely astounding. I defy
you to find an issue important to ag not covered in astounding detail.

Why am I raving about something as arcane as the National Ag Law
Center? First, it shouldn’t be arcane; it should be a go-to source on
ag issues. I’m guessing there are companies, associations and advocacy
groups paying agencies and other components of the cottage industry
that is “celebrate agriculture” a whole bucket of money for the same
information you can get by clicking away on the Center’s website.
Second, and actually more importantly, the Center is in economic
trouble since its federal funding was lost. What I’m saying here is
that if we don’t rally, we could lose this just-found gem.

The Center is existing on grant money, and may have a grand plan for
self-sufficiency, but I’m guessing not.

What I’m asking is that you take the time to go to the Center’s
website and check it out. Then ask yourself: “Can we afford to lose

Brownfield Ag News


On June 2, 2009, state revenue and attorney general's officials
visited the Garwoods and demanded immediate payment of approximately
$142,000 from each woman for unpaid sales taxes, interest and
penalties from their puppy sales. When the women couldn't pay
immediately, Indiana State Police and HSUS seized 240 dogs on behalf
of the state. The next day the state sold the dogs, estimated to be
worth $72,000, to the HSUS for $300.

On August 19, the Indiana Tax Court filed an opinion in the case of
Virginia Garwood, et al. v. Indiana Dept. of State Revenue. In the
19-page opinion, Judge Martha Wentworth ruled that the Department of
Revenue and state attorney general exceeded their authority by using
jeopardy tax assessments to seize the dogs from the Harrison County
property of Virginia and Kristin Garwood.

Wentworth ruled that the advertisement of dogs for sale in local
newspapers, the breeding and sale of dogs, the failure to register as
a retail merchant, the failure to prepare and file sales tax returns,
and the failure to report income earned from the retail sales of
animals on their individual income tax returns did not constitute a
litmus test for properly issuing a jeopardy assessment. Taken as a
whole, these actions suggest that the Garwoods were not properly
reporting and paying taxes allegedly due, not that they intended not
to pay, or preserve the wherewithal to pay, their taxes.

Records also showed income from the sale of the dogs was included in
Garwoods’ income tax returns.  The Garwoods’ assumption that dog sales
were exempt from sales tax, while wrong, was not indicative of intent
to circumvent payment of taxes.  Thus, it also was not a basis for the
Department's use of jeopardy assessments in this case.


* Virginia Garwood, et al. v. Indiana Dept. of State Revenue.

* Court rejects tax tool used to close puppy mill
* Indiana Law Blog:

* NAIA typepad. Analysis of the Garwood Appeal: Subterfuge and Seized


HSUS issued a press release on August 15, 2011 to announce the hiring
of another state director, Kimberly Kelly.  Based in Charleston, Kelly
is a graduate of the Charleston School of Law, and the University of
California, Berkeley. She led the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund
while in law school and has also worked with The HSUS Animal
Protection Litigation department.  Kelly is quoted as saying she is
grateful to work for HSUS and advance animal protection legislation in
South Carolina. The press release notes that last year HSUS helped
pass more than 100 animal protection laws in various states. South
Carolinians can expect to see a steady stream of HSUS legislation both
locally and at the state legislature.


Why Is The Humane Society Of The U.S. Permitted To Operate “Above The
Law” and Not Comply With Federal Laws?

Frank Losey writes that on August 4, 2011, a Documented Complaint was
formally submitted to, and is now being considered by, the Office of
the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia alleging that the
Humane Society of the U.S.; the Humane Society Legislative Fund; Mr.
Wayne Pacelle; Mr. Michael Markarian; Ms. Nancy Perry; and Ms. Sarah
Amundson have failed to comply with the Lobbying Disclosure Act of
1995 for up to five or more years.

The Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 requires that any entity or
employee who has had as few as only one contact with a Member of
Congress or any of their staff for the purpose of lobbying in support
of any Federal Legislation; or has contacted a Senior Official in the
Executive Branch of the U.S. Government, such as the White House or
the U.S. Department of Agriculture, for the purpose of influencing
Government Policies is required to submit a Lobbying Registration
Document, as well as to file Quarterly and Semi-Annual Lobbying
Reports, to the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives and to the
Secretary of the U.S. Senate.

Senior Executive Employees of the HSUS and its affiliated Lobbying
Organizations have cumulatively and literally had thousands of direct
contacts with Members of Congress, Congressional Staffers and with
Senior Officials in the Executive Branch of our Government over the
last five-plus years.  However, none have ever registered as a
Lobbyist, or as a Lobbying Organization, or as a Lobbying Client, as
they are required to do by the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995.

Yet Pacelle’s BIO highlights the fact that he served as the “chief
lobbyist and spokesperson” for the HSUS for nearly 10 years before he
became the President and CEO of the HSUS.  And most recently, when he
appeared on the Greta Van Susteren FOX TV Program that aired on July
20, 2011, and he was asked why he and Michael Vick were together on
Capitol Hill in Washington DC, his explicit quote was “We are here to

Full article is posted at The Cavalry Group blogspot  along with instructions for a
sample letter to the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the District of

The message above was posted to North Carolina, South Carolina,
Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana
and Texas residents by the Sportsmen's and Animal Owners' Voting
Alliance (SAOVA). SAOVA is a nonpartisan volunteer group working to
protect Americans from the legislative and political threats of
radical animal rightists. Visit our website at for
this program's goals, methodology and list signup details. To
unsubscribe from this list, exercise that option at SAOVA PO Box
612, Spencer NC 28159 SAOVA_South mailing list

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