Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hello all,

See the Federal Court rulings attached here. Stand up and stop running. Share this information with every cocker in America, start using these arguments and making them public knowledge.

Thank you, B.L.

A July 11th News Article spoke of a Bexar County raid on a poultry show seized 59 gamecocks.  The only name that was available was a subsequent story on the same raid that listed Victor Cordova, a Bexar county citizen who was trying to get his chickens returned.  The Judge, Monica Lisa Caballero (JP) ordered Mr. Cordova to pay $330.00 for the upkeep of the roosters while they were held in the San Antonio Animal Care Services facility.

A recent Federal Court ruled that the owners of animals held by the county or state waiting the outcome of a trial could not be used to charge the owner of the animals for upkeep unless the court brings in a final ruling of guilty.  If charges are dropped or the defendant is found to be not guilty the State and/or county must assume the expenses incurred while caring for the animals.  To charge the defendant before the result of the trial is an assumption of guilt and the assumption of guilt prior to trial is unconstitutional……

Any information that I can get from Bexar county connections that may lead to my talking to Mr. Victor Cordova will be appreciated. Mr. Cordova needs some of the information that I have on recent Federal Court Rulings to share with his attorney so that his Civil Rights are protected and to be reimbursed for the illegal taking of his money and property. Hitting the cash register of this County, and every other County in this Country,  through the courts,  is the only way that we can get the government to repeal the unconstitutional laws against our animal agriculture industry.

Speaking honestly and explaining the gamecock industry as an industry, with law enforcement officers, district attorneys, lawyers and judges leads to a greater understanding of who cockers really are and our frustration of being slandered and publicly labeled in the way the Animal Rights groups have been allowed to label us for the last 50 years.  

Thank you,
U.S. Army ret SFC B.L. Cozad Jr

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