Hello all,
As you can see in the Department of Homeland Security report the animal rights terrorists are one of the greatest terrorist’s threats facing America today.
What many people don’t pay enough attention to is the statement at the beginning of this report that addresses the fact that these terrorists have now entered the main stream. They are walking the halls inside our capitols in Washington and our State Capitols and are using the legislative process to enact laws, policies and regulations that set our law enforcement officials against American citizens and end up using our law enforcement officials to commit the acts of terrorizing rural American citizens for these same animal rights terrorists.
Who are these animal rights terrorists that would have the power and influence to pass laws and then use our government as it’s own personal terrorist force against other American citizens?
What organization could this report from the Department of Homeland Security be referring to? Why the Humane Society of the United States of course. The HSUS by it’s own admission is sponsoring Federal Legislation and bills in nearly every state every year. Last year this animal rights extremist’s organization sponsored ove 200 pieces of legislation in their attempts to cripple and/or criminalize our animal agriculture industries across America. Many Legislators like Wayne Christian in Texas have tied their office to this corrupt organization at the state level and Congressman Marino from PA and OH Congresswoman Sutton have tied their offices to these terrorist organizations at a federal level.
Many of our elected officials are supporting this corrupt terrorist organization out of blind ignorance, careless stupidity and/or because they support the ideology of these animal rights terrorists organizations.
And that means these legislators either by apathy or active indoctrination in support of the ideology of the humane society’s “animals above human lives”, support these terrorists acts being carried out against American citizens by government officials to subjugate rural Americans and the destruction of our agriculture industries over the opinions of these animal rights terrorists.
by Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
TheDogPress characterized them as Terrorists, now Wikileaks reveals this internal DHS report on the “sociopolitical agenda” of “Animal-Rights Militants."
In 2008 the political goals of Animal Rights insurrection were being watched by the Department Of Homeland Security. Depending on how politically informed you are, you may see us as going backward under today’s DHS leadership. Be assured however; the FBI ranks ELF as the #1 Domestic Terror Threat {2} as reported by TheDogPlace, and both ELF and ALF (Animal Liberation Front) are repeatedly referenced in the DHS document to which you are about to have access.
The seriousness of the threat and the scope of the Animal Rights agenda is revealed in this private internal report. As you read, be aware of what has changed since May of 2008. Janet Napolitano, the third Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, has taken heavy fire for her alleged ineffectiveness in controlling U.S. borders even as the privacy debate over TSA and airport screenings rages on. Just this week, news of the subversive, secretly formed ANIMAL RIGHTS CAUCUS in the California legislature has surfaced.
First, read the Department of Homeland Security document, then learn more about how the “animal rights” movement was funded {3} and as the picture comes into focus in the Animal Rights Legislation {4} section be prepared to decide how “secure” you feel about your right to own animals.
You are encouraged to COMMENT and share any experience you may have had (or witnessed in your area) at the end of the DHS report page. The most effective legislative groups are subscribers, therefore you can converse and coordinate with others and we will feature the discussion in a follow-up edition
Bolding added for emphasis.
Department of Homeland Security [DHS] Report:
Title: "DHS: Eco Terrorism in US 2008"
Description: DHS: Ecoterrorism: Environmental and Animal-Rights Militants in the United States, 7 May 2008
Message: "DHS: Eco Terrorism in US 2008”
Message: "DHS: Eco Terrorism in US 2008”
07 May 2008
Ecoterrorism: Environmental and Animal-Rights Militants in the United States
The term ecological terrorists, 1/ or ecoterrorists, refers to those individuals who independently and/or in concert with others engage in acts of violence and employ tactics commonly associated with terrorism to further their sociopolitical agenda aimed at animal and/or environmental protection. The ecoterrorist movement is a highly decentralized transnational network bound and driven by common ideological constructs that provide philosophical and moral justification for acts of violence against what it perceives to be the destructive encroachment of modern society on the planet’s habitat and its living organisms. 2/ [Ref. opening paragraph at p.1 of report]
[Ref. beg. at p. 8 of report]
The ecoterrorist movement operates as a sophisticated and highly decentralized network. It has no overarching hierarchical structure, nor does it have an elaborate organizational infrastructure. Rather, the movement embraces the concept of leaderless resistance, an organizational model that has no uniform authority or centralized control and command structure.44 Shared ideology and a willingness to engage in illegal and violent activities in pursuit of environmental andanimal protectionism provide independent actors with structural cohesion through a commonality of purpose. After all, any individual willing to take direct action in support of the movement’s overall aim—to counter environmental and animal exploitation—is automatically considered to be part of the movement.45 (U//FOUO)
Organizational dynamics are barely present, and, to a great extent, activists operate underground. Personal contacts may play into organizational dynamics, to the extent that individual cells or activists exchange information with each other. However, in the vast majority of cases individuals involved in acts of ecoterrorism are not in contact with other individuals or cells engaged in similar activities. Although autonomous cells and individuals are known to take guidance from Internet materials, which provide the parameters and, often, instructions for an action, they tend to execute their activities independently of one another and the movement at large, yet they are consistent with the overarching slogan, “Think global, act local!”46 (U//OUO)
External relationships and inter-organizational ties are difficult to assess because the groups that constitute the ecoterrorist movement have highly decentralized structures and do not require conventional membership. Yet, it is clear that there is some degree of interaction between various ecomilitant groups and/or individuals. After all, ELF and ALF are considered to be sister organizations and the newer, more radical groups, such as Arissa and SHAC, are their respective derivatives. The following radical environmental and animal-rights groups share some ideological tenets and operational aims; however, the precise nature of their ties remains unclear:
- Arissa
- Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC)
- Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
- Animal Rights Militia
- Animal Liberation Brigade
- Direct Action Front
- Band of Mercy (U//FOUO)
END NOTES [herein referred to as footnotes]
fn 44/ The concept of leaderless resistance was originally developed by white supremacist Louis Beam. For more on leaderless resistance, see Simson Garfinkel, “Leaderless Resistance Today,” date unknownfn 45/ B. L. Smith, K. R. Damphousse, and P. Roberts, “Pre-Incident Indicators of Terrorist Incidents: The Identification of Behavioral, Geographic, and Temporal Patterns of Preparatory Conduct,” U.S.
fn 46/Horne,“The Radical Environmental Movement: Incorporating Empire and the Politics of Nature.”
fn 46/Horne,“The Radical Environmental Movement: Incorporating Empire and the Politics of Nature.”
Get more information on Animal Rights and Domestic Terrorism, dig for gold.
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