Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sheriff Raid's Valley Home In Tank

Sheriff Raid's Valley Home In Tank
 March 22, 2011

PHOENIX -- Sheriff Joe Arpaio rolled out the tanks to take down a guy suspected of cockfighting.

West Valley residents in the neighborhood are crying foul after armored vehicles and even a tank rolled into their neighborhood to make the bust.

Neighbor Debra Ross was so worried she called 911 and went outside where a nearby home had its windows blown out, was crawling with dozens of SWAT members in full gear, armored vehicles and a bomb robot.

“When the tank came in and pushed the wall over and you see what's in there, and all it is, is a bunch of chickens,” Ross said.

In a massive show of force on Monday, the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office executed a search warrant and arrested the homeowner, Jesus Llovera, on charges of suspected cockfighting.

Llovera was alone in the house at the time of the arrest, and he was unarmed.

“I think taxpayers should be shocked,” said Robert Campus, Llovera’s attorney. Campus said he believes the operation costs tens of thousands of dollars.

Deputies had no probable cause to believe Llovera was armed or dangerous, according to Campus.

Campus said he believes the entire scene was basically a stage, to help actor Steve Segal’s TV show, “Lawman.”

Segal was riding in the tank.

The Sheriff’s Department has entered into a contract with Segal and part of that contract gives Segal carte blanche to go along with the sheriff as he arrests people.

Thousands of dollars in damages were made to the property and 115 birds were euthanized on the spot.

Llovera was convicted of a misdemeanor last year of attending a cockfight and has no history of owning weapons.

Yet the Sheriff’s Office said they had reasons to believe Llovera might be armed.

“We're going to err on the side of caution. We're going to make sure that we have the appropriate amount of force in case we do run into anything like that,” said Sgt. Jesse Spurgin.
He’s reduced to going on cockfighting man dates with Steven Seagal.
In a massive show of force on Monday, the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office executed a search warrant and arrested the homeowner, Jesus Llovera, on charges of suspected cockfighting.
Llovera was alone in the house at the time of the arrest, and he was unarmed.
“I think taxpayers should be shocked,” said Robert Campus, Llovera’s attorney. Campus said he believes the operation costs tens of thousands of dollars.
Deputies had no probable cause to believe Llovera was armed or dangerous, according to Campus.
Campus said he believes the entire scene was basically a stage, to help actor Steven Seagal’s TV show, “Lawman.”
Seagal was riding in the tank.
The Sheriff’s Department has entered into a contract with Seagal and part of that contract gives Seagal carte blanche to go along with the sheriff as he arrests people.
Your Maricopa County taxpayer dollars at work: Helping a pathetic aging has-been celebrity feel relevant. Steven Seagal too
Where are we headed?
We have more inmates than we do farms.
In a population of 6.8 million people, only 751,000 are farmers. In fact, there are twice as many blind people in the United States as there are farmers.
Less than 1 percent claim farming as an occupation; fewer than 2 percent actually live on farms. They have no political clout.
Nonfarm jobs now account for 90 percent of household income for farmers.
Maryland is the strictest environment in which to farm. No chickenhouses have been built in Maryland for some time. Without replacements, the industry will disappear.
How many lawsuits will the poultry industry withstand? This industry is a three-legged stool -- integrator, poultry grower and grain farmer. The extreme environmentalist do not care which of the legs they work on; in fact, one lawsuit over Ocean City sludge names all three -- a grain and poultry grower plus the integrator is involved because he has poultry on the farm.
It was Ocean City sludge (people waste), not poultry waste, but the integrator was dragged into the lawsuit.
The president of the Humane Society of the United States wrote: "We have no problem with the extinction of domestic animals. They are creations of human selective breeding."
The extreme environmentalist does not care about the environment; he only wants poultry and animal livestock as we know it to be gone.
Environmental regulations and the extreme environmentalist are now the greatest threat to animal agriculture.
When poultry is gone from the Shore, there will be no market for grain and the ghetto will reach from Bay Bridge to Bay Bridge-Tunnel.
Farmers are the endangered species.
Eddie Johnson
What do you really think Drew Edmondson was trying to do with the lawsuit against the poultry industry in eastern Oklahoma? Who do you think he was working for? Our legislators better open their eyes and start looking at the truth and see the socialist agenda behind what is going on in many states across America.
Our Oklahoma legislators had better have the courage to stand up and start defending our constitutional rights and agriculture industries before it's too late.
Thank you,
U.S. Army ret SFC B.L. Cozad Jr

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