Saturday, October 1, 2011


A message from Frank Losey:
NOW is the time for a FLOOD of E-mails to be sent to your U.S. Representative.  They will make a difference.  They will generate more congressional letters that will put even MORE pressure on the IRS to expeditiously investigate the HSUS.  It will take only minutes to email your U.S. Representative...
Frank Losey 


We Must Stop The Humane Society of the United States. 

Please Cross Post in its Entirety 
E-mails  E-mails  E-mails  E-mails  E-mails 
E-mails  E-mails  E-mails  E-mails  E-mails 
E-mails  E-mails  E-mails  E-mails  E-mails 
to your US Representative.

PLEASE...We are getting so close

Step 1  Find Your US Representative US Rep Click here 
Step 2  Fill in your State and Zip code
Step 3  Add your name, address and E-mail

Step 4  Subject line write "Request the IRS investigate the HSUS

LAST STEP  Cut and paste the following:
"In a Joint Letter dated April 18, 2011, which was addressed to the Inspector General of the Treasury Department, Six of your Colleagues in the House (Congresswomen Hartzler and Emerson, and Congressmen Luetkemeyer, Graves and Long from Missouri, and Congressman Young from Alaska stated: "we write to request investigations by the Inspector General into HSUS's (the Humane Society of the U.S.)   apparent improper activities and its tax-exempt status."  Would you please send a similar letter on my behalf to the Inspector General of the Department of the Treasury?"


BACKGROUND:  For over two-and-one-half-years a series of actions have been set into motion for the ultimate purpose of laying the foundation upon which the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) would launch an "Investigation" of the Lobbying Activities of the HSUS, and quite possibly not only revoke the tax-exempt, public charity status of the HSUS, but also assess back taxes, penalties and interests against the HSUS which could cumulatively total $50-100 Million or more!  Were this to occur, the HSUS not only would see its fundraising capability severely crippled, but it would lose substantial credibility in the State Legislatures and in the Halls of the U.S. Congress as it attempts to persuade legislators to support and co-sponsor Legislation such as the PUPS Bill.
The IRS, of necessity, must move cautiously and slowly to ensure that it does not unfairly jeopardize the activities of "legitimate" public charities.  So it is with the on-going investigations of the HSUS, and its subsidiaries and affiliated organizations (Humane Society Legislative Fund, Humane USA PAC, the Doris Day Animal League and the Fund for Animals).    Yes, there are now four separate IRS Tax Fraud Case File Numbers!!!
The HSUS Roadmap "Journey" to the IRS Slaughter House began in the summer of 2008 with research and the subsequent, multiple submissions of incriminating and irrefutable documents that cumulatively now total 1,551 pages.  In December 2008, the IRS assigned the Tax Fraud Case File Number of 29-92012 to the HSUS.  By early 2010 over 6,000 citizens from all 50 states had submitted written requests to the IRS that asked the IRS to investigate the HSUS Lobbying Activities.  Then in March of 2010, Congressman Luetkemeyer (MO) made a specific, documented, written request to the IRS, which request asked the IRS to examine the Lobbying Activities of the HSUS.  By April of 2011, several thousand E-Mails, Faxes, Letters, and Calls were received by the Treasury's IG Hotline, all of which asked for an expedited IRS investigation of the HSUS.  And then, by letter dated April 18, 2011, Six Members of Congress (Five from Missouri and One From Alaska) sent a written letter to the Inspector General (IG) of the Department of the Treasury. This letter specifically stated:  "request investigations by the Inspector General into HSUS's apparent improper activities and its tax-exempt status." 

Frank Losey

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