Public perception and arrogant urban stupidity is what killed Jose Luis Ochoa. As you read the news stories about this terrible accident that resulted in a man's death pay attention to the way many arrogant urban reporters write callously relating that it is "poetic" that this man (human being) will not be going home to his wife and children. That his children will grow up without a father. Urban idiots place a higher value on their arrogant dumbass opinion regarding a chicken than Mr Ochoa's life.
This man would be alive today and going home to his wife and children except that he was afraid to go to a hospital and seek treatment for an injury because urban idiots have criminalized the gamefowl industry and intimidated rural people to the extent they are afraid to even seek medical assistance because these same urban idiots put a higher value on chickens than human lives.
How many people will have their families ripped apart and their lives endangered before common sense prevails and dictates these unconstitutional laws violating human rights to defend chickens are repealed?
Criminalizing the harvest of gamefowl is creating a danger to rural gamefowl owners and putting chickens above human lives. The urban majority are voting these idiotic laws in because they have no honest knowledge of what they are voting on. All they know is what the socialistic animal rights extremists of the HSUS have misled them to believe through years of their self professed "lies, misreprestations and anything else for the animal cause propaganda."
Our elected officials wonder why I put publicly call them out for their dereliction of duty and neglect to uphold their oath of office "to support and defend the Constitutions of the United States and Oklahoma". Because sooner or later a rural Oklahoman trying to harvest their gamecocks and earn a living in rural Oklahoma is going to be killed by law enforcement officers defending chickens or suffer the same fate Mr Oacho did because of this unconstitutional law violating our human rights and putting a higher value on chickens than human lives.
I've had the previlege to serve in the US Army with men and women of integrity and courage for 22 years. Men and women that put their very lives on the line to uphold that exact same oath "to support and defend the Constitution of the United States" and I have no respect for elected officials that run from the same duty and oath because they are afraid they may not get relected to a cushy office at the state capital.
Who was looking out for Mr Oachoa and his family? Certainly not the arrogant elitist minded urban politicians that put a higher value on protecting the chickens even if the price was Mr Oachoa's death.
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A man attending an illegal cockfight in California died after being stabbed in the leg by one of the birds, officials have said.
The cock had a knife attached to its limb to take part in the gambling fight in Tulare County, central California.
Jose Luis Ochoa, 35, was declared dead in hospital where he arrived some two hours after being injured.
The coroner's report said he had suffered an accidental "sharp force injury" to his right calf.
It was not immediately clear if a delay in seeking medical attention was a factor in the death.
"I have never seen this type of incident," Sgt Martin King, who had worked in the sheriff's department for more than two decades, told the Bakersfield Californian on Sunday, when the incident happened.
Other dead roosters and materials suggesting cockfighting were found at the location, reports said, but no arrests were made.
Mr Ochoa, reportedly a regular participant in organised cockfights, had already been fined for owning or training an animal for fighting, according to court records cited by the newspaper.
Though cockfighting is illegal in the US, California is a popular destination state for people involved in the sport as raising the gamecocks, organising matches and attending fights as a spectator are all classified as misdemeanours on the first offence, rather than more serious criminal offences in the state.
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