Friday, September 30, 2011

Bill: Federal Offense for Spectators, Adults Who Bring Minors to Organized Animal Fights Jul 12, 2011

Bill: Federal Offense for Spectators, Adults Who Bring Minors to Organized Animal Fights
Jul 12, 2011
WASHINGTON (July 12, 2011) – U.S. Rep. Tom Marino, PA-10, along with U.S. Rep. Betty Sutton, OH-13, have introduced legislation that makes it a federal offense to attend an organized animal fight and imposes additional penalties for taking minors to such events.
HR 2492, the Animal Fighting Spectator Prohibition Act of 2011, complements state laws that address spectators at animal fights and takes it a step further by penalizing adults who expose children to these heinous acts.
Organized animal fighting is a federal crime and illegal in all 50 states but the issue of spectators at these barbaric events is not addressed on the federal level. It is illegal in 49 states to be a knowing spectator at animal fights; 28 states impose felony-level penalties on spectators.
“As a former state and federal prosecutor, I’ve seen first-hand the criminal culture that surrounds animal fighting events and the damaging influence this environment has on our children,” Marino said. “We try to protect our kids from criminal violence and yet there are no consequences for those adults who take impressionable children to animal fights where they can witness these heinous acts in person.”
The Marino-Sutton bill is a bipartisan effort (Marino is a Republican, Sutton a Democrat) that imposes federal misdemeanor penalties for knowing attendance and felony penalties for causing a minor to attend. The law would not apply to individuals who are not aware that they are attending an animal fight or to situations where two animals fight without provocation by animal fighting organizers.
“I introduced this legislation to make sure that law enforcement has all of the tools necessary to deprive the organizers and profiteers of these horrific events from receiving the support they need to continue this activity,” Marino said.
Because organized animal fighting is illegal, the activity is highly clandestine. Spectators at animal fights don’t accidentally happen upon a fight – they seek out the criminal activity at secret locations, often need passwords to enter, and pay hefty admission fees for the opportunity to watch and gamble on the fights – facts that a prosecutor might use as evidence to prove that a defendant is knowingly in attendance.
When active animal fighting operations are raided, it is a common practice for the organizers, promoters, and animal owners to blend into the crowd in order to shield themselves from law enforcement. As a result, many states have enacted legislation to make attendance at an animal fight a criminal offense, a critical step to discourage individuals from facilitating animal f?ghts by their attendance, and to ensure that the organizers of animal f?ghts cannot easily escape into a crowd when law-enforcement officials arrive.
Penalties will be up to one year in prison and f?nes for attending a fight, and a penalty of up to three years in jail and f?nes for bringing or causing a minor to attend.
The bill has the support of The Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society Legislative Fund.
“Spectators are participants and accomplices who enable the crime of animal fighting, provide a large share of the funding for the criminal enterprise through their admission fees and gambling wagers, and help conceal handlers and organizers who try to blend into the crowd when a bust occurs,” said Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States. “We are grateful to Representatives Marino and Sutton for introducing this legislation. We call on Congress to swiftly pass it and give law enforcement the tools they need to crack down on the entire cast of characters involved in animal fighting.”
Text Of HR 2492
1st Session
H. R. 2492
To prohibit attendance of an animal fighting venture, and for other purposes.
July 11, 2011
Mr. MARINO (for himself and Ms. SUTTON) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture, and in addition to the Committee on the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned
To prohibit attendance of an animal fighting venture, and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the `Animal Fighting Spectator Prohibition Act of 2011'.
Section 26 of the Animal Welfare Act (7 U.S.C. 2156) is amended--
(1) in subsection (a)--
(A) in the heading, by striking `Sponsoring or Exhibiting an Animal in' and inserting `Sponsoring or Exhibiting an Animal in, Attending, or Causing a Minor To Attend';
(B) in paragraph (1)--
(i) in the heading, by striking `In General' and inserting `Sponsoring or Exhibiting'; and
(ii) by striking `paragraph (2)' and inserting `paragraph (3)';
(C) by redesignating paragraph (2) as paragraph (3); and
(D) by inserting after paragraph (1) the following new paragraph:
`(2) ATTENDING OR CAUSING A MINOR TO ATTEND- It shall be unlawful for any person to--
`(A) knowingly attend an animal fighting venture; or
`(B) cause a minor to attend an animal fighting venture.'; and
(2) in subsection (g), by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
`(5) the term `minor' means a person under the age of 18 years old.'.
Section 49 of title 18, United States Code, is amended--
(1) by striking `Whoever' and inserting `(a) IN GENERAL- Whoever';
(2) in subsection (a), as designated by paragraph (1) of this section, by striking `subsection (a),' and inserting `subsection (a)(1),'; and
(3) by adding at the end the following new subsections:
`(b) Attending an Animal Fighting Venture- Whoever violates subsection (a)(2)(A) of section 26 of the Animal Welfare Act (7 U.S.C. 2156) shall be fined under this title, imprisoned for not more than 1 year, or both, for each violation.
`(c) Causing a Minor To Attend an Animal Fighting Venture- Whoever violates subsection (a)(2)(B) of section 26 (7 U.S.C. 2156) of the Animal Welfare Act shall be fined under this title, imprisoned for not more than 3 years, or both, for each violation.'.

Hunters that use dogs to hunt with had better look at how this law will deprive them of their ability to take their children hunting with them.

Hello all,
Hunters that use dogs to hunt with had better look at how this law will deprive them of their ability to take their children hunting with them.
Since gamecock owners started going forward with the honest truth educating legislators that the gamecock industry is an animal agriculture industry like any other the HSUS is losing their hold on the state legislators. TN just drop their felony cockfighting law to a misdemeanor and HI just passed a cultural resolution stating cockfighting was an acknowledged cultural heritage of the native Hawaiian people. The further we go with the truth the more the animal rights extremists of the HSUS lose ground.
Gamecock owners, own and harvest our livestock just like any other livestock owner, the method of harvest is different but the economic harvest is the exact same, we're trying to earn a living and provide for our families.
Our livestock is the gamecock, the way gamecocks are harvested is allowing them to fight. (this has been their method of harvest for more than 3,000 years and is being proven in countries around the world today. Therefore the cockfighting laws are actually making it illegal to own and possess our livestock if we intend to harvest our livestock. Can you apply that law to any other animal agriculture industry without violating the constitutional rights of the livestock owners? = NO,,,, And we're all entitled to equal protection of the law according to the 14th amendment.
Now where in our Constitution does it authorize our government to award/grant rights to animals and then send law enforcement officers out to subjugate and point guns at American citizens thereby creating a danger and threat to human lives using the excuse of defending animals.
The Federal "Animal Welfare Act" that drives all of these animal protection laws is unconstitutional. If it is declared unconstitutional then all laws derived from it are also unconstitutional.
No where in our U.S. Constitution does it give the elected officials in our government the authority to award rights to animals. These two Congressmen "Marino and Sutton" are putting animals, fish and fowl above American citizen's lives.
The following talking points should made to every Congressman sitting on the Agriculture and Judiciary committees:
1. That there has never been a law ever written that hasn't been broken and there never will be.
2. When the parents are placed in prison the state will be forced to take the children away from the parents. The constitution does not give our government the  authority to rip families apart over animals.
3. No where in the Constitution does it give our government the authority to deprive American citizens of our culture, heritage, pursuit of happiness and liberty over animals.
4.  In rural areas of the United States many people still fight chickens and this bill will escalate the fight between law enforcement officers and the rural American citizens involved in this largely rural cultural pastime.
5. Opinions and cultures of the urban and rural people within the United States differ the opinion of the urban majority does not provide an excuse to deprive rural Americans of their culture, heritage, rights and freedoms and trample the U.S. Constitution using the excuse of defending animals.
6. In truth, the Animal Welfare Act "unconstitutionally" places animals above human lives by giving "rights" to our livestock and wild animals violating the constitutional rights of the livestock owners.
Please get rid of these unconstitutional animal rights laws before rural Americans are killed by law enforcement officers sent out to defend animals.
This is Wayne Pacelle and the HSUS's last ditch effort because they see their house of cards crumbling.
The legislation being proposed by the HSUS below is clearly an attempt to: (in Wayne Pacelle's own words) "One generation and out" he is using the statement in a slightly different context but this is his new strategy.
He wants to pass this federal legislation because he's losing at the state level but if these animal rights extremists can deprive us of spending time with our children and stop us from teaching our children of our rural American culture, heritage and animal sports until our children are 16 years old and he knows that at that age teeagers are wanting to spend time with their friends and our rural heritages will be stripped from an entire generation within 16 years. This is his goal with this legislation.
The reality is Hog hunting with dogs, Bear hunting with dogs, Coyote hunting with dogs, Raccoon hunting with dogs, Squirrel Hunting with dogs, Rabbit hunting with dogs all include some form of or the possibility of animal fighting and will all be made illegal under this bill, either immediately or through incremental inclusions later.
Every Hunter should be shouting down this unconstitutional bill.
Thank you,
U.S. Army ret SFC B.L. Cozad Jr

As the cockers step up using the honest talking points we've developed the HSUS is losing

Hello all,
HSUS is losing the state level fight against the gamecock industry, so now they're trying to enact an unconstitutional federal law.
You can go to the link below and as you can see the honest message of the gamecock owners made public immediately stops all opposing arguments from the average misguided and misinformed HSUS members. Read through the 20 comments that were posted on the discussion and notice where the discussion by the supporters of the HSUS and the animal rights crap immediately stopped.
Any argument from the animal rights extremists displays their true colors and even their own members start shrinking from their organization.
We are winning this public fight. The HSUS has started losing the battles at the state level. That is why the HSUS is now advocating for a Federal law.
TN rolls back their felony cockfighting  law to a misdemeanor:
HI passes a resolution declaring cockfighting is recognized as an important part of the economy and culture of the native Hawaiian Islanders:

Turn up the heat in your state. Start taking the honest talking points to the legislators and holding them publicly accountable for supporting the socialistic agenda of the animal rights extremists of the HSUS.

And Yes they're agenda is socialism and a one world government just ask one of the major contributors to the animal rights extremists orgainzations = "George Soros" if he wants a new world order and a one world socialist government, the answer = he openly advocates for it.

Thank you,


Despite the words humane society on its letterhead, the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) is not affiliated with your local animal shelter. Despite the omnipresent dogs and cats in its fundraising materials, its not an organization that runs spay/neuter programs or takes in stray, neglected, and abused pets. And despite the common image of animal protection agencies as cash-strapped organizations dedicated to animal welfare, HSUS has become the wealthiest animal rights organization on earth.

HSUS is big, rich, and powerful, a humane society in name only. And while most local animal shelters are under-funded and unsung, HSUS has accumulated $113 million in assets and built a recognizable brand by capitalizing on the confusion its very name provokes. This misdirection results in an irony of which most animal lovers are unaware: HSUS raises enough money to finance animal shelters in every single state, with money to spare, yet it doesnt operate a single one anywhere.

Instead, HSUS spends millions on programs that seek to economically cripple meat and dairy producers; eliminate the use of animals in biomedical research labs; phase out pet breeding, zoos, and circus animal acts; and demonize hunters as crazed lunatics. HSUS spends $2 million each year on travel expenses alone, just keeping its multi-national agenda going.

Raising money is Job One. HSUS will even adopt conflicting positions in order to satisfy individual patrons. Two HSUS donors once wrote to John Hoyt with very different views of the sinking of Icelandic whaling ships by Paul Watsons violent Sea Shepherd Conservation Society in the late 980s. In one response, Hoyt agreed with the donor that Watsons actions were wrong, writing: I am unequivocally opposed to any and all acts of violence in the pursuit of efforts to protect animals from abuse and suffering. In the other, he declared that Sea Shepherds work was indeed, a daring and masterful bit of James Bond on behalf of the great whales."

The group completed its animal-rights transformation during the 1990s,changing its personnel in the process. HSUS assimilated dozens of staffers from PETA and other animal-rights groups, even employing John J.P. Goodwin, a former Animal Liberation Front member and spokesman with a lengthy arrest record and a history of promoting arson to accomplish animal liberation.

HSUS is not particularly friendly toward the use of animals as food, either. In 1995, it launched its Eating with a Conscience campaign, directed by Howard Lyman. A strict vegan, Lyman is best known for his 1996 appearance on the Oprah television show, where he tried to scare consumers away from beef by claiming, incorrectly and recklessly, that mad cow disease would make AIDS look like the common cold. In a June 2005 interview, Pacelle said that HSUS is working on a guide to vegetarian eating and emphasized reducing meat consumption as one of HSUSs goals.

During 1998 and 1999, the Humane Society of the United States reported to the IRS that it made small financial contributions toward the operation of, an Internet website that was then the main distribution point for the communiqués of the terrorist Animal Liberation Front (ALF). In addition to hosting the ALFs Frontline mailing list, hosted a list for the HSUS-coordinated Inter Campus Animal Advocacy Network (I-CAAN); the official mailing lists of a Minnesota group called Compassionate Action for Animals (CAA); and mailing lists for approximately a dozen other organizations. CAA, originally called the Animal Liberation League, was started by activist Freeman Wicklund -who has spoken openly about his desire for other activists to embrace the Animal Liberation Front.

Questions remain about HSUSs support of the WASTE server. In 1999 HSUSs operating budget was over $50 million, and it already operated at least four other e-mail lists -- all operated from its own network servers. Why did the group need an outside server for its I-CAAN mailing list? And why use this particular server, one that also happened to host a terrorist groups press operations, instead of one of hundreds of other commercially available services?

Public perception and arrogant urban stupidity is what killed Jose Luis Ochoa

Public perception and arrogant urban stupidity is what killed Jose Luis Ochoa. As you read the news stories about this terrible accident that resulted in a man's death pay attention to the way many arrogant urban reporters write callously relating that it is "poetic" that this man (human being) will not be going home to his wife and children. That his children will grow up without a father. Urban idiots place a higher value on their arrogant dumbass opinion regarding a chicken than Mr Ochoa's life.

This man would be alive today and going home to his wife and children except that he was afraid to go to a hospital and seek treatment for an injury because urban idiots have criminalized the gamefowl industry and intimidated rural people to the extent they are afraid to even seek medical assistance because these same urban idiots put a higher value on chickens than human lives.

How many people will have their families ripped apart and their lives endangered before common sense prevails and dictates these unconstitutional laws violating human rights to defend chickens are repealed?

Criminalizing the harvest of gamefowl is creating a danger to rural gamefowl owners and putting chickens above human lives. The urban majority are voting these idiotic laws in because they have no honest knowledge of what they are voting on. All they know is what the socialistic animal rights extremists of the HSUS have misled them to believe through years of their self professed "lies, misreprestations and anything else for the animal cause propaganda."

Our elected officials wonder why I put publicly call them out for their dereliction of duty and neglect to uphold their oath of office "to support and defend the Constitutions of the United States and Oklahoma". Because sooner or later a rural Oklahoman trying to harvest their gamecocks and earn a living in rural Oklahoma is going to be killed by law enforcement officers defending chickens or suffer the same fate Mr Oacho did because of this unconstitutional law violating our human rights and putting a higher value on chickens than human lives.

I've had the previlege to serve in the US Army with men and women of integrity and courage for 22 years. Men and women that put their very lives on the line to uphold that exact same oath "to support and defend the Constitution of the United States" and I have no respect for elected officials that run from the same duty and oath because they are afraid they may not get relected to a cushy office at the state capital.

Who was looking out for Mr Oachoa and his family? Certainly not the arrogant elitist minded urban politicians that put a higher value on protecting the chickens even if the price was Mr Oachoa's death.

---------original message-----------

A man attending an illegal cockfight in California died after being stabbed in the leg by one of the birds, officials have said.
The cock had a knife attached to its limb to take part in the gambling fight in Tulare County, central California.
Jose Luis Ochoa, 35, was declared dead in hospital where he arrived some two hours after being injured.
The coroner's report said he had suffered an accidental "sharp force injury" to his right calf.
It was not immediately clear if a delay in seeking medical attention was a factor in the death.
"I have never seen this type of incident," Sgt Martin King, who had worked in the sheriff's department for more than two decades, told the Bakersfield Californian on Sunday, when the incident happened.
Other dead roosters and materials suggesting cockfighting were found at the location, reports said, but no arrests were made.
Mr Ochoa, reportedly a regular participant in organised cockfights, had already been fined for owning or training an animal for fighting, according to court records cited by the newspaper.
Though cockfighting is illegal in the US, California is a popular destination state for people involved in the sport as raising the gamecocks, organising matches and attending fights as a spectator are all classified as misdemeanours on the first offence, rather than more serious criminal offences in the state.


Sheriff Raid's Valley Home In Tank
March 22, 2011
PHOENIX -- Sheriff Joe Arpaio rolled out the tanks to take down a guy suspected of cockfighting.
West Valley residents in the neighborhood are crying foul after armored vehicles and even a tank rolled into their neighborhood to make the bust.

Neighbor Debra Ross was so worried she called 911 and went outside where a nearby home had its windows blown out, was crawling with dozens of SWAT members in full gear, armored vehicles and a bomb robot. “When the tank came in and pushed the wall over and you see what's in there, and all it is, is a bunch of chickens,” Ross said.

In a massive show of force on Monday, the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office executed a search warrant and arrested the homeowner, Jesus Llovera, on charges of suspected cockfighting.
Llovera was alone in the house at the time of the arrest, and he was unarmed.
“I think taxpayers should be shocked,” said Robert Campus, Llovera’s attorney. Campus said he believes the operation costs tens of thousands of dollars.

Deputies had no probable cause to believe Llovera was armed or dangerous, according to Campus.
Campus said he believes the entire scene was basically a stage, to help actor Steve Segal’s TV show, “Lawman.”
Segal was riding in the tank.

The Sheriff’s Department has entered into a contract with Segal and part of that contract gives Segal carte blanche to go along with the sheriff as he arrests people.
Thousands of dollars in damages were made to the property and 115 birds were euthanized on the spot.
Llovera was convicted of a misdemeanor last year of attending a cockfight and has no history of owning weapons.

Yet the Sheriff’s Office said they had reasons to believe Llovera might be armed.
“We're going to err on the side of caution. We're going to make sure that we have the appropriate amount of force in case we do run into anything like that,” said Sgt. Jesse Spurgin.

Where are we headed?
We have more inmates than we do farms.
In a population of 6.8 million people, only 751,000 are farmers. In fact, there are twice as many blind people in the United States as there are farmers.
Less than 1 percent claim farming as an occupation; fewer than 2 percent actually live on farms. They have no political clout.
Nonfarm jobs now account for 90 percent of household income for farmers.

Maryland is the strictest environment in which to farm. No chickenhouses have been built inMaryland for some time. Without replacements, the industry will disappear.
How many lawsuits will the poultry industry withstand? This industry is a three-legged stool -- integrator, poultry grower and grain farmer. The extreme environmentalist do not care which of the legs they work on; in fact, one lawsuit over Ocean City sludge names all three -- a grain and poultry grower plus the integrator is involved because he has poultry on the farm.
It was Ocean City sludge (people waste), not poultry waste, but the integrator was dragged into the lawsuit.

The president of the Humane Society of the United States wrote: "We have no problem with the extinction of domestic animals. They are creations of human selective breeding."
The extreme environmentalist does not care about the environment; he only wants poultry and animal livestock as we know it to be gone.
Environmental regulations and the extreme environmentalist are now the greatest threat to animal agriculture.

When poultry is gone from the Shore, there will be no market for grain and the ghetto will reach from Bay Bridge to Bay Bridge-Tunnel.
Farmers are the endangered species.
Eddie Johnson

What do you really think Drew Edmondson was trying to do with the lawsuit against the poultry industry in eastern Oklahoma? Who do you think he was working for? Our legislators better open their eyes and start looking at the truth and see the socialist agenda behind what is going on in many states across America.

Our Oklahoma legislators [All legislatures] had better have the courage to stand up and start defending our constitutional rights and agriculture industries before it's too late.

Thank you,
U.S. Army ret SFC B.L. Cozad Jr

Wayne Pacelle admits HSUS animal care standards and policies are based on questions and opinions.

In another interview he stated that his goal was (summarized here) "to drive up the cost of animal agriculture production and thereby force lower human consumption of meat." This guy is a lying, smiling sack of dung and the leadership of any agriculture industry or politician that tries to come to any agreement with him is sticking a knife in the backs of every farmer and rancher involved in an agriculture industry.

Wayne Pacelle admits HSUS animal care standards and policies are based on questions and opinions.

During a recent interview with Greg Vincent and Sarah Brown of Farm Journal Magazine, Wayne Pacelle president of the Humane Society of the United States was ask where does the HSUS get authority and research to offer guidance, to impose policies and standards of care practice regarding animals?,,, because farmers and ranchers get their information and it’s based on veterinarians, farmers, ranchers and other industry professionals.

Wayne Pacelle started off the interview by saying “I’m here today to advocate for protecting property in a world of people”.

He went on to answer the question above by stating “these are moral questions and we’re not saying we need to germinate or make all the decisions just like no one organization needs to generate all the decisions.”
See interview here:

Moral questions are matters of opinion and subject to individual biases, prejudices and experiences. How does it protect the farmers and ranchers property rights to deprive us of our property rights and the right to harvest our property?

 In a recent decision striking down Prop 8 as unconstitutional in CA the Federal Court Judge stated (summarized here) that “moral disapproval alone is an improper basis to deprive men and women of their rights.”
The ruling directly reflects the the indisputable fact that a majority cannot deny, a minority group, of fundamental freedoms and rights based simply on personal opinions of morality. (especially over a chicken which is the personal property of the owner)

Yet Wayne Pacelle wants to interject and force his opinion onto every animal agriculture industry in America and his moral opinion is VEGAN.

VEGAN definition of acceptable animal use is no animal use allowed, no animal ownership allowed, no pet ownership allowed, no human consumption of meat allowed, no vivisection allowed, and no animal testing to save human lives allowed.

And anytime a farmer or rancher refuses to comply with the HSUS president’s opinion, human lives can and should be endangered by law enforcement raids to force compliance with his and the HSUS majority’s opinion even if it means violating human rights, American Citizens Constitutional rights and freedoms, destroying all of America’s agriculture industries and/or killing rural animal owners, farmers and ranchers after all his opinion and the animals, fish and fowl must come before human lives.

And destroying human lives is something the HSUS has developed into a hundred-million dollar a year tax free enterprise.

Thank you,
US Army ret SFC B.L. Cozad Jr

Monday, September 19, 2011

The consequences of HR 2492 outlined for our Congressional leaders

This bill is proposed by Wayne Pacelle of the HSUS and being sponsored by REP Marino of PA. Wayne Pacelle has openly stated that his goal is "to stop all sport hunting in America". Senior members within these animal rights organizations have stated they want "to abolish all animal agriculture in America."
But where in our constitution does our government officials find they have the authority to grant/award rights to animals? Animals are our livestock and the property of the livestock owner.
Every raid by law enforcement officers creates a situation that may result  in law enforcement officers having to use deadly force and kill a human being to enforce a law. To create this danger to protect the inalienable and constitutional rights and life of one American citizen from another is acceptable but to create the threat of killing an American citizen using a false pretense of protecting our (livestock) chickens that we are simply harvesting the same way gamecocks have been harvested for more than 3,000 years is socialism to say the least and more like tyranny to those people having guns pointed at us over chickens?
As far as Wayne Pacelle's "saving the chickens" propaganda let's look at it closely. A raid is made which endangers human lives to stop the owners from harvesting their livestock (gamecocks). Often HSUS people are behind anonymous tips used as justification for these raids and even acting as advisors during these raids. The HSUS even puts up a bounty of $5,000 on the rural people who's lives are being endangered during these raids. Then the chickens (livestock/property) of the rightful owner they stopped from harvesting his livestock is given to the animal rights extremists of the HSUS so the state can pay these animal rights extremists excessively large amounts of tax payer money to keep the chickens for a few days and then pay them to kill the same chickens (livestock) "they saved from the owner".
The federal law under (RICO) Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organization should be applied to this organization immediately.
Wayne Pacelle is going to get American citizens killed so he can fill the many HSUS bank accounts and line his own pockets in the process as he works to destroy America's animal agriculture industries and America.
This law will make it illegal to take our children to an animal fight. The reason this federal law is being proposed is the HSUS has started losing the state level fights against the hunters, fishermen, and all animal agriculture industries even the gamecock harvest industry.
The side effects of this law will criminalize taking your children hunting if you use dogs in the hunt; as all animal hunting with dogs, raccoon, coyote, wild hog and bear and to a lesser extent quail, pheasent, dove, patridge, duck and goose retrieval by dogs most often results in an animal fight.
This then is the goal of Wayne Pacelle with this law he is sponsoring to separate our rural children from growing up in our rural livestyle with the sport of hunting. As Wayne stated "one generation and out" he is now trying to apply that idea onto our rural culture and animal sports.
There has never been any law written that has not been broken and this law will be broken and sooner or later American citizens will be killed using these unconstitutional animal protection laws and that is Wayne Pacelle's ultimate goal to subjugate everyone into his arrogant opinion and his vegan lifestyle even under the threat of death.
The saddest part is he is misleading, bullying and/or buying elected officials into supporting his arrogant opinion and agenda and using government law enforcement officers to threaten and intimidate American citizens even if it means killing us, and our elected officials follow blindly behind him like sheep.
Thank you,
U.S. Army ret SFC B.L. Cozad Jr

Sunday, September 18, 2011

If you want to be able to prove you are NOT harvesting your chickens it’s simple.

If you want to be able to prove you are NOT harvesting your chickens it’s simple.
Band every bird at 1 to 2 month old; keep a ledger with every band number recorded with date hatched and all breeding information.
As chickens get older and die or you sell them write down who, what, when, where, why and how much. Don’t forget to pay your taxes on the sales.
If you are raided by law enforcement officers then account for every single bird on your yard to show that none have disappeared from the record books mysteriously. If a 12 year old brood cock dies = it’s expected and understandable he was 12 years old.
If 10 two year old cocks died this year while in the prime of their life and health that may indicate cockfighting.
If you sold 250 gamecocks to the Philippines no trouble = shipping documents from the US postal service a government agency that can vouch that you shipped the chickens overseas. Again don’t forget to pay your taxes.
Dogs get into your yard and kill 25 two year olds on tie cords no trouble a video or pictures of the carnage and where the dogs dug in will prove your case.
If you buy into the show fowl lie of that is passed around so readily, then you are giving away your legitimate and legal rights to your animal agriculture industry and the right to harvest your gamecocks by the only commercial method of harvest they have ever been harvested in for over 3000 years.
You have given away your Constitutional 5th amendment right to earn a living and make an income from the efforts of your own labor and the gains of your own industry created around the natural God given genetic traits of the gamefowl.
The equivalent is for a law to be passed against owning beef cattle for slaughter, it's obvious the cattlemen could sue and easily win because the law is Unconstitutional. But when the cattle rancher sues the government stating the law violates their ownership rights and does not include a compensation clause in accordance with the 5th amendment because it deprives him of his cattle without paying him for taking his property, it also is an unjust law and therefore violates the 14th amendment and it imposes unjust penalties therefore violates the 8th amendment and for these reasons it is therefore unconstitutional.
Would the Judges try to laughingly announce and play it off as “the cattle ranchers are uneducated and stupid and they can own their 2,000,000 beef cattle in Oklahoma for “show purposes” and that way the state does not owe the ranchers anything and the law should be considered legal”.
If not for the “show cattle lie” it can easily be seen and understood the law violates the cattlemen’s rights and would have to be declared unconstitutional. It violates Eminent domain laws, the 5th, 8th and 14th amendments to the US Constitution.